LEGAL English  20-30  (Young Lawyers and Law Students) 


Location: LONDON


This course covers a range of legal topics with a focus on contract drafting, legal case studies, negotiations and participation in become an effective communicatior in a legal



The course also includes 6 months' access to Word Stream, the online Legal English vocabulary course.


The course includes


- Welcome networking reception

- 3 course lunch on course days

- all course materials

- access to online platform

  PLUS  *  Three external speakers

                   *  Visits to criminal court, civil court and the Houses

                 of Parliament (when in session)


Trainers are specialised English language trainers  with particular expertise in the field of law.


TOLES (Test of Legal English Skills)


The course designed to prepare candidates for the TOLES examination is available as an optional

4th week course after finishing the 3-week  Young Lawyers course.


TOLES is recognised internationally and by the Law Society of England and Wales.


ILEC (International Legal English Certificate)


3-week course, designed to prepare candidates for the examination, which is offered by Cambridge ESOL. 

The course is recognised by several international law associations.